Monday, 27 January 2020

New Frontiers - 17/01/2020

Well, my new Mares XR Extreme Undersuit arrived. I sent a buddy to collect it for me from Aquatron. I had planned to dive in it slightly earlier than I did, but in the end Craig and I chose to dive an undocumented dive site on the western side of Loch Fyne.

The site was far less important than the dive. I set my self up with a thin baselayer and put on my new Starfleet uniform then my drysuit. I deliberately did not use my Mares XR Heated Vest. I wanted to see how I'd fair in just the undersuit.

The site was near the mouth of a river so it was always going to be cool at this time of year, but at 8c for most of the dive it wasn't too bad.

We headed down the muddy slope roughly descending at a rate of one metre per minute. Maxing out at around 30m, we turned and headed back at the same rate, stopping at 5m for a safety stop in cooler 6c water.

I emerged cool, but far warmer than I otherwise would of expected. By comparison, my buddy was physically shaking. So it must of worked.

Previously I've used Fourth Element arctics which I don't think is an entirely fair comparison. a better comparison would be the hard to find Arctic Expedition one piece, but I can say that I was far warmer in the new Mares suit.


  • Deep hand warmer pockets
  • Left and right catheter holes (useful depending what way you *coughs* tuck)
  • Comfortable low collar 
  • Nice length sleeves that match the drysuit
  • Smooth material for ease of pulling on your drysuit
  • Compared to my old suit it's a one piece which means the top doesn't ride up


  • My only dislike is that it is bulkier around the calves and than my previous undersuit, but those who don't skip leg day may appreciate the extra capacity



    As for the dive?

    A feast of firework anemones and highland dancer nudibranchs, but not much else to report. I won't be rushing back.

    Pachycerianthus Multiplicatus

    Pleurobranchus Membranaceus

    In the shop
    Kitting up

    Tuesday, 7 January 2020

    New Year - 04/01/2020

    OK, so last year - with the volume of dives I did - I found it difficult keeping up. In fact, the volume of diving somewhat overwhelmed my desire to write the blog. 

    So for 2020, I'm taking a different approach. I'm not going to blog every dive, just the out of the ordinary stuff, the cool stuff, and maybe some product reviews as and when I invariably buy new kit. :)

    So what did I omit in 2019 that I should of mentioned? Well:

    • Lanzarote Technical Dives
    • Scapa Flow, Orkney
    • Clyde Wrecks, Glasgow
    • A second trip to Kinlochbervie, Northwest Scotland
    • Qualifying as a Seasearch Observer 
    Aside from that, the usual run of the mill stuff totalling 113 dives in the calendar year. For some of you full time dive pros that's nothing, but for a recreational diver who has a full time job that's not an insubstantial number.

    So I've dived twice already this year - once on New Years Day with Eastwood Divers and once with Deathbox Didier.

    The latter turned out to a lovely swim around Anchor Point, Loch Fyne that ended up a glorious nudibranch hunt and, by deliberate coincidence, my 700th dive. I had quite intentionally selected a buddy who:

    • was more competent than me (although this is highly debatable 😃)
    • wasn't a club diver who would expect me, as an instructor, to look after them
    • could help me make it a fairly lengthy memorable affair (70 minutes and ultimately limited by the cold water and not air)

    Old Deathbox was the natural choice and what a fine choice he was!

    700th Dive Montage