Saturday, 30 May 2015

A Quick Dip - 26/05/2015

It was an eclectic bunch of divers that turned up to dive at the A-Frames, The Mermaid had put out an invite on West Coast Divers and a few folk had turned up.

The Mermaid (natch), Captain Al, Jester, Edward BSAC and too new young guns with just a few dives under their belts. I teamed up with Jester, determined to work on my weight.

We kitted up and headed down, the dive wasn't the best we've ever had, but it the vis was decent and a suspected seal sighting were enough to convince me to go down for a second look. The second dive, being later in the evening, was darker which meant that more of the life was coming out to play.

I had also decided to go in with a few less kilos after doing a weight check with an empty tank at the end of dive one. It seemed to work a treat.

After having whipped round a few of the frames we encountered a lovely little stickleback and yarrell's blenny. There were perhaps the dive highlights. Their presence at around 5m at meant that our safety stop was accomplished without evening knowing. There was no sign of the seal.

Sea squirt


Sea Cucumber




And finally, Bloody Henry by Jester (too beautiful not to share)

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