Saturday, 24 January 2015

The Ice Hood Cometh - 24/01/2015

With more bad weather cancelling my regular Saturday morning football I took the opportunity to go diving with Captain Al and co. I left the house a little late so found out where they diving and headed to Conger Alley, Loch Long. In my head, I was only doing one dive before blitzing down the road. That dive was going to give me the opportunity to test out my new Waterproof H1 Icehood.

Now, the Icehood has been described by my "friends" variously as a:

  • gimp mask
  • scuba burqa

The reality, of course, is that it's both but if it keeps my face warm when passing through our winter thermoclines I can handle the abuse. :D

I kitted up with Captain Al and dived as a three with his buddy, Braveheart, who was test driving a new pony configuration. In addition, Pat G and Robert buddied up.We headed down in 5c water down to 25m where it warmed up, but not sufficiently for the congers to want to emerge from their holes. Instead the reef thronged with ballan wrasse and rock cooks.

The first dive ended a little prematurely with an uncontrolled ascent at 10m, I went up with Capt Al to make sure everything was fine. It was.

Getting to the shore Al decided he was done for the day so I buddied Braveheart for a reconfigured pony combo test. I ditched the Icehood to test the difference between having it and not. The dive passed without incident. 

I really noticed the difference not wearing the hood. My face felt the familiar sensation of cold burn, which most cold water divers will empathise with. I hadn't experienced this on the colder first dive. So, yeah, it works. Although I can't give any recommendation as to it's ease of putting on, it's a bit of a faff.

I never really took any photos.

Loch Long

Waterproof Icehood

Bloody Henry

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