Thursday, 5 March 2015

End Of Season Seal - 04/02/2015

Seal Sighting

Some people, myself included, like to visit the Farne Islands to play with the seals. Typically, this costs between £35 and £50 to dive with a proliferation of relatively diver friendly seals during the day. However, it never quite compares with the thrill of meeting Loch Long's Beryl at night for free, while she hunts. It is, in diving terms, a genuine bargain.

With the light nights and the start of British Summer Time fast approaching, the Announcer was very keen to sneak in a dive before the night diving season ends for the summer. So, tonight (as you'll have guessed the Announcer and I headed up to Loch Long for a dive at the A-Frames

After my experience on Monday I didn't have much hope for good visibility. As I descended I knew instantly that the vis was pretty rubbish, but as I slipped below 6m I could see it clearing up. Then I noticed silt puffs. It was then when I realised that the Announcer and I weren't alone.

I led us down towards the big frame where all seal-hell broke loose!

She stayed with us for the rest of the dive. We saw little else. Sadly my camera isn't equipped to take fast moving photos of Beryl at night, but I managed to snatch a few video clips of her fly-bys.

Beryl bait


  1. its always a thrill to see her.

    1. You betcha, I just wished I dived in Pampers sometimes.
