Tuesday, 16 June 2015

With Friends Like These Who Needs Anemones - 13/06/2015

Diving at the A-Frames wasn't really the dive I wanted to do this weekend, but it was where we ended up. Myself Jester and Captain Al met up with the Chuckle Brothers of underwater photography.

We dived as a three and had planned to go down to 30+m on the first dive, but mask troubles and an an uncomfortable testing of a pony configuration had meant Captain Al sensibly wasn't risking it. We passed from Frame to Frame before heading up having passed a few nice little critters in the water.

Dive two was to be the more eventful of the two. Our plan remained the same as the first assuming everyone felt comfortable. So off we went to dive down.

It was all going to plan and Captain Al led us down to the large frame before we turned and headed deeper. His initial target was what we call the deep frame, but he headed off on the wrong heading. A mistake which was to ultimately make the dive far more interesting.

As we veered off course we came over a part of the site that I've never been to. There were a number of excellent deeplet and firework anemones. which had I not been waiting for new Moisture Munchers I'd have photographed. Jester was trying to photograph them but the jet wash of a fast finning, excited Captain Al meant that:

  1. silt was making for poor photographs
  2. we'd have been separated as a group in the limited visibility

While bridging the gap between us I suggested to Jester that he leave them for now and follow Al to our doom or at least the end of the dive. :)

After the dive Jester and I discussed it. We'll go back soon with the sole purpose of photographing the anemone garden.

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