Tuesday, 4 August 2015

The Recluse - 03/08/2015

With both Jester and I having red letter days the following day we decided to keep the diving close to home and go dive the A-Frames. We were still wanting to photograph the reclusive anemones we'd seen on a previous dive as well. So we headed up, kitted up buddy checked and plopped in.

The visibility wasn't great, probably caused by one of the wettest July's on record and there was a definite halocline at around 18m where natural light disappeared and the temperature dropped.  I felt this temperature drop more keenly as my drysuit is now misnamed.

As we bumbled along accompanied by the hum of a nearby tanker, we met our anemones, once again closed for photographic business, As such we decided to just swim from frame to frame. Enjoying the peacock worms, goldsinnys, young cod and a lobster.

The weather held out for us which was a bonus. In fact, it turned into a very pleasant evening.

My camera had a full memory card, so I never took any photographs. All underwater photographs were taken by Jester.

Flat fish

Peacock worm



A nice night

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