Friday, 7 July 2017

Lanzarote Day 4 - Museo Atlantico - 04/07/2017

As regular readers will know, one of the primary reason was to visit the Museo Atlantico. As part of our trip both myself and Gill.I.Am opted to do it. G was a bit nervous about diving from a RHIB for the first time, but she wasn't the only one. In fact, I was the only paying diver on the boat who had ever rolled off a boat. As such it then fell to me to plop in first, while thre guide explained the procedure. In the end, I think they all enjoyed the experience of a roll. 

The route round the museum is a little like a tourist route round a conventional museum. It tells the story of the journey to Europe that African migrants face. It's strangely chilling when compared to the frivolity of the statues you find behind the curtain. It's genuinely moving.

Life on the dive is a little hit or miss, but fortunately for Gill - who had missed out on angel sharks earlier in the week - managed to see one amongst the statues.

The other significant life around the museum were trigger fish - angry, aggressive, trigger fish. The moment it bit me was a shock. It just felt like someone had stuck needles into my arm. Back on the surface we realised at least three of us were bitten.

It was a worthy dive if you like sunk stuff. 

Gill with biting triggerfish

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