Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Learning to Teach - 08/07/2018

I'm still pretty new to the instructing thing, despite being a reasonably experienced diver. In some ways, I'm learning how to talk about diving all over again. There are things I take for granted. For example, going down to 30m isn't a big deal. Neither is going to 40m if I'm being honest. I forget that for others this isn't the case.

So when I took the Landlady and Freeflow Bob down to 30m to assisted ascents. I forgot that not everyone would be comfortable going from 0 to 30m in about 4 minutes. I shouldn't of been surprised when we reached the required depth and one diver wasn't comfortable.

We tried the ascent, it wasn't great, but we still had another attempt to get it right.

This time I tried a different approach, I was going to to go slower and deeper before bringing the student up to the required 30m for the ascent.  It worked a treat. All of a sudden the depth wasn't nearly such an issue. Afterall, we were already coming back into the 'shallows'.

So there you have it. You learn something new everyday.

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