Wednesday 6 January 2016

Happy New Year - 31/12/2015

Our plan had been to do two dives, with our second straddling what we call 'the bells' here in Scotland. Myself and Jester were buddying up while the Mermaid and friend George teamed up. We were diving the A-Frames in Loch Long.

A recent break in at my house meant that I was diving on a borrowed torch. I prefer to dive at night with at least two torches, but in such circumstances this is not always possible.  The result was few photographs were taken.

We headed in for our first dive and went down for a bimble around the frames. There really wasn't too much life, but Jester did spot a nice cup coral that I spectacularly failed to photograph.

We split as a larger group underwater and I wondered where the Mermaid and her buddy were, but we continued on, having a nice but cold time.

Back on the surface we discovered the Mermaid wasn't feeling well, but had started 'cooking' up rolls and sausage. We all bit into tepid sausages before deciding that too many factors were working against us and we didn't want to go back in for a second dive.

Still, Hogmanay, comes round like clockwork every year. There's always this year.

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