Sunday 25 May 2014

Discovering Boulder Beach - 25/05/2014

On a previous trip to Loch Fyne I had noticed small peninsula and a place to park by the road. I pointed it out to Laura and suggested we return to explore the site. Once home, I did some research to see if I could find information about the site. I found nothing, not a thing. The site, described by us as Boulder Beach, shall remain secret right now - that said it's probably been dived hundreds of times.

The Zookeeper and I headed at a 90 degree angle to the shore and immediately swam straight down beyond 20m. On the way down we encountered our first dogfish of the day. We then turned 90 degrees to the left. The topography was somewhat dull seabed, but there was plenty of life. As we turned again to go up to 15m  I spotted the tail of a ray, which turned out to be a cuckoo ray -  not a thornback ray as we thought. (Thanks to Andrew Sinclair for the insight).

Swimming back at 15m we completed a square, but continued past out entry point in order to dive an angled figure of 8. Just as well, as we encountered some of the most interesting topography and a sea mouse!

This was a decent dive with an extraordinary encounter with a beautiful ray. We'll be back at this site for more exploration.

Sea Cucumber

Cuckoo Ray

Sea Mouse


The Zookeeper on Safety Stop

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