Monday, 9 May 2016

Penetrating the Lady Isabella Barque (1) - 08/05/2016

Trail Island at Little Cumbrae
With the offer of joining K-Pep on his RHIB for the day and an almost perfect weather forecast, Jester and I headed down to Largs for a couple of  RHIB dives. Now, I've dived of a RHIB before, but never in Scotland and never in my drysuit - neither had Jester. Add to that that I'm no great fan of boats having suffered from seasickness many times and I am therefore not shamed to say that I was a little nervous.

As we blasted out from Largs to the island of Little Cumbrae I could see the Hunterston Bubble, something which had been on my Scottish to do list for some time. The bubble is caused by super heated sea water being pumped out from the nearby nuclear power station and has peaked my interest since I first saw it on Google maps when they began publishing satellite images.   

Honesty in diving is always the best policy, and K-Pep took us to Trail Island for a scenic, pick-your-own-depth, easy  wall dive. Once kitted up and in the water I felt my usual diving mojo flooding back. As we started down the tiered Inca like terracing we saw a lot of our usual favourites, but in huge quantities:
  • Devonshire cup corals
  • nudibranchs
  • cushion stars
  • a cuckoo wrasse hiding (hiding because Jester had chased it into a hole)

It was great. We surfaced as cocky, experienced, Scottish RHIB divers. While we chatted and watched a seal, K-Pep enjoyed some sub-aqua quiet time before we headed to for our rendezvous with the Lady Isabella Barque.

Cushion star

Sea Squirts

A very bloody henry



1 comment:

  1. fantastic that you enjoyed the day. its good to do something different.
