Friday, 28 March 2014

So Much Nature Part 3 - 27/03/2014

So with the arrival of Evolution Divers we vacated St Catherines (see part 1 and part 2) prime parking spot and headed over to dive Loch Long. We were deciding between the Twin Piers, which we'd drive right past or the Caves where Laura had previously lost a bag that we were going to look for. The Caves won.

We quickly kitted up, buddy checked and headed down to the water where a seal, probably Beryl, was waiting patiently for us. We entered the water and it quickly became clear that we were diving as a buddy three as Beryl swooped between our legs, crashing into us chasing fish and any other critter that came into view. A few wrasse dodged under rocks. Bottoming out at 22m, we probably had the best seal action at around 10m.

Aside from Beryl, sea life was at a premium. By way of contrast, thanks to Beryl, silt was not.

By the end of the second dive both Laura and myself were exhausted largely due to 'so much nature'.

Dahlia Anemone


Laura filming Beryl

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